Cheongju Orthodontics Clinic needs correction when teeth bend or overlap due to comfortable and fast clippiness, not just for aesthetic reasons, but because well-engaged teeth are good for dental and physical health in the long run.
If you have bad teeth alignment, it is easy to be exposed to various oral diseases due to poor dental care, which increases the risk of tooth loss in old age.Bad occlusion tends to cause abnormalities in the jaw joint due to bad engagement, and uneven force is applied to the teeth, making it easier for the teeth to wear out and crack.
In addition, the problem of incorrect writing affects gastrointestinal health.What if you’re worried because your teeth alignment is so bad because it’s related to so many parts?It is recommended that you visit Cheongju Orthodontics for proper diagnosis and treatment.The important thing about correction is There are two methods and medical staff.
Traditionally, orthodontics is a method of moving teeth from the base using brackets and wires made of metal or ceramic.Metal and ceramic brackets are still widely used, but other methods are preferred these days because they do not look good and give correction power with wires, which have the disadvantage of severe initial pain and great inconvenience on campus.
The most preferred method is the most preferred method for the order to be the first time of the teeth.A self-consequently, the wire into the bracket and lid on the sliding door system.Open the lid to open the door, so that the wire is only possible to open the door, so that the small needle money or rubber strings.
In addition, the correction force is significantly reduced by applying a certain amount of force to the bracket, which is stronger at one time and causes pain, and the correction period can be shortened by several months. It’s easy to manage food before it gets stuck or when it’s noticeably small.
The device itself is simple and aesthetic, so even if you use a patrol device, the burden will be greatly reduced.Among them, the most recent preferred self-ticket-ticket-ticket-ticket device is the Clippy. It doesn’t hurt, it’s not inconvenient, it’s fast.Medical hours are reduced.If the number of visits decreases, you can meet Guri PC, which has all the advantages, at a low price with Cheongju Orthodontics 2 design.
Medical examination, diagnostic, tooth extraction, monthly and maintenance costs all at once! You can solve the problem at a reasonable cost.What if you’re worried about the cost?This is your last chance!Cheongju Orthodontics is a dental clinic that has been in operation for 10 years at one location in Abatai-dong, Cheongju.CEO Shim Mi-in is directly responsible for the treatment, so you don’t have to worry about changing doctors in the middle!The pre-correction dental works with three-dimensional CT, a panoramic analysis of patients’ teeth, including three-dimensional CT, and set the base.It’s just a clean and clean, and the lower teeth can be able to perform the original role of the teeth and the lower teeth.The pre-correction dental treatment is important, but also important.This is also promised to maintain a thorough maintenance management of treatment process.Also, even after the maintenance period ends, we continue to take care of your teeth and protect your dental health and beauty. Cheongju Orthodontics is not the only place where you are good at correcting your teeth.It’s a place where you can get all kinds of dental treatment, so you can stop by without hesitation. Together, Cheongju Orthodontics 2 designs can keep a healthy and beautiful smile for the rest of your life!! If you have any questions, please contact us now!Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image