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Strong leadership in Korean companies in crisis of leadership is the answer! Be bold Kim Yong-seop 2024.04.01 / Pervlion Management 328pThe ability to find and properly deploy good talent is also a strong leader’s quality. You must evaluate talent with performance and ability to organize an organization, and confidently demand productivity and efficiency. Employees who fail to do so should also be able to boldly pursue restructuring. Many people know Tesla’s Elon Musk as a nerd, but he is a powerful leader who makes it a reality with confidence in what he is trying to do. Elon Musk has completely made Tesla’s production process unmanned. This resulted in overwhelming operating profits by reducing time and production costs. He has led to a paradigm shift by choosing a new method rather than a proven method.It’s good to watch it togetherThe essence of a leader is to respond to change, grow the organization, and serve the common goals of members of the organization. It is the role of new leadership to reflect changes and trends to preserve this essence. A leader’s ability comes from his ability, not his charisma that reigns over his employees. A leader’s ability is to set an organization’s goals and move forward to achieve them. The leader is also responsible for the results.For a while, comfortable and soft leaders like colleagues were a trend. The media also praised such leaders and reported that leaders like friends and friends can lead the company better than strong leaders. However, isn’t it because they misunderstood strong leadership as domination and obedience? In fact, there were often companies with a boss represented rather than a leader. The company I worked for was a very promising IT venture company when I joined the company. Articles were often posted on the Internet media, and the R&D team was established to improve technology, making all-out efforts to the business. As the scale grew and started to receive investment, the leader became a boss. He tried to reign over his employees and became more interested in his work. Eventually, the promising venture company was closed after its CEO was arrested for embezzlement of public money. Strong leadership is to be able, sensitive to trends, and make bold decisions. It is to derive abilities by discovering talented people and placing them in the right place. In addition, you must act responsibly and have a sense of ownership of the company. Otherwise, the essence of a leader will be diluted. This is because if you lose the meaning and goal of leadership that was strong at first, it will change. What kind of leader are you now? What kind of leader do you want to be evaluated as? What kind of leader do you want to be? Leader’s Awakening – Kim YongseopAccording to the 2024 World Risk Report, the biggest risk factors for humanity were extreme weather, misinformation created by artificial intelligence, social and political confrontation in the third, the cost of living crisis in the fourth, and cyber safety. Strong leadership is needed in an era of multiple crises where many risk factors occur at once, and in an era of rapid change. This is because it is an era of crisis and sudden change that come at once, not sequentially. Accordingly, leadership must also change according to the changes of the times. What is needed for strong leadership is to know the trends. This is because you need to know the crises that trends create so that you can respond directly and create opportunities. You must be equipped with strong and enterprising leadership and act sensitively to trends. That is how you can survive in an era of crisis and change.While a boss’s authority is created by hierarchy and obedience, a leader’s authority is created by responsibility and trust. Leader’s Awakening – Kim Yong-seopThe leader is not one of them, but the awakening of the irreplaceable One & Only ladder. – Kim YongseopKorean CEOs are more pessimistic about the economic outlook for 2024 than their global counterparts. Korea is heavily influenced by powerful countries, and high interest rates continue to rise due to the economic downturn. Strong leadership is required due to the large uncertainty caused by low growth of companies. Strong leadership is leadership of survival. To survive, we must boldly abandon familiar inertia and go head-on. If we fail to overcome the resistance of those who hate or fear change, it is the leader’s incompetence. For a better alternative, we must be willing to fight and curse. Leader’s Awakening – Kim Yong-seopElon Musk once said about his decision. ‘I go to the field a day and make 100 command decisions. At least 20% of them are wrong decisions and have to be revised later. But if you don’t make a decision, we’re dead.’ He used an extreme expression. If a leader who runs a company cannot make a decision because he is afraid of the outcome, the company has no choice but to close. The leader’s role is to make even an impromptu decision first and then modify the situation that follows to complete it. The most important thing a leader should do is make a decision. If a leader hesitates or shakes his or her decision, it is incompetent, not humane. Leader’s Awakening – Kim Yong-seop*We were offered free of charge for the 1st generation of Purblion Publishing Supporters*Author of Leader’s Awakening Kim Yong-seop Publishing Publion is released 2024.04.01.NEW SPACE: Age of Space Capital Already Started, Space Travel, Low-Earth Satellite, Space Internet, Space Rocket Delivery New SPACE: Age of Space Capital 2024.02.07 / Publion Economy / 276P Imbok Author… m.blog.naver.com2024.04.05 (Fri) 104th #BookReview #Leader’sAwareness #Kim Yongseop #Pervlion #Leadership #Management Letter #StrongLeadership #PervlionSupporters

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